We have been enjoying incredible wildlife at Elmley this winter; along with the thousands of over wintering wildfowl and waders, it has also been incredible to watch the short eared owls, and large numbers of bearded reedlings.
With these wonderful wildlife sites this January we have experienced an unprecedented number of visitors, this has been heightened with the inclement weather which has put additional pressure on fine days.
We have therefore had to take the difficult decision to manage entry with pre booked tickets only.
Access to Elmley will be by pre-booked tickets only, booking is online only
Ticket numbers are limited, this is to help manage visitor numbers, to ensure we are able to look after Elmley's sensitive wildlife and to ensure visitors from far and wide have a fair chance of visiting. To avoid disappointment we strongly advise visitors to pre book tickets and to check availability before travelling. We are very sorry for any disappointment if you are not able to visit, but we hope you can enjoy the other wonderful local Nature Reserves.
Day Ticket prices will increase to £10.00 per adult. With the increased costs we are facing this small increase assists with funding and covers the increased administrative costs of online ticket sales.
As a reminder all funds from tickets and Friends of Elmley subscriptions are collected and administered by the Elmley Nature Reserve Community Interest Company. This not-for-profit organisation looks after day visitor access to the Reserve and every penny does directly to ensuring access to the Reserve and to nature projects. It is managed on a voluntary basis with minimal administrative and communication costs. For more information see here.
Friends of Elmley is temporarily closed for new subscriptions. This is so we can catch up on administration, if you would like to join please email friends@elmleynaturereserve.co.uk to register your interest.
Elmley is an independently owned and managed National Nature Reserve, with simple facilities in a remote location. There is not the infrastructure, facilities or staff to effectively manage large numbers of visitors. Elmley’s wonderful and hard working warden volunteers and staff wardens have tried very hard over the last few weeks to welcome everyone safely but it has been incredibly difficult. During such busy times the wardens need to marshall traffic and carparking, whereas their time and energy should be on safeguarding the wildlife and engaging with visitors across the Reserve. At Elmley our priority must always be on the nature and wildlife, and we must ensure precious time and funds are focused on looking after the species here and ensuring our valued visitors, whether expert ornithologists or those new to spending time in nature, have the best possible experience.
We have trialled a one-in-one-out policy but it is difficult to manage and causes understandable disappointment and frustration for visitors, as well as causing more traffic and pressure on facilities. Elmley is a remote site, and the long entry drive is a spectacular place for wildlife watching from vehicles, it is not suitable for quick pop in visits. Instead we encourage visitors to spend a few hours at Elmley, peacefully immersing themselves in the landscape and wildlife.
If you’re a Friend of Elmley interested in car sharing, please email info@elmleynaturereserve.co.uk to be added to the car sharing whatsapp group.
It is wonderful that so many people would like to visit and enjoy the incredible wildlife at Elmley, and thank you very much for your support.
We do hope in this way we can ensure wonderful visits and peaceful days spent in Elmley’s spectacular landscape, as well as looking after Elmley's special wildlife.